the family that plays together

More often than not, I escape to Long Island on the weekends.  It’s gotten to the point where my roommate is genuinely surprised to see me on a Saturday or Sunday.  Some may say I have an addiction to the beach.  I say it is all in adoration.  Potato.  Potata.


I used to deny my love of the island mostly because I wanted to separate my growing up self from my being grown up self.  I couldn’t appreciate my childhood home because I was entirely focused on how I was different.  I was my own person, with my own home, and my own set of living standards - not those dictated by my parents.  The funny thing is you can never fully separate yourself from your family - for better and worse.  My life is a reflection of my family and the nature versus nurture that I received plays out in my day to day life.  It informs how I treat others, the types of relationships I strive for, and the goals I pursue. 


I’m not entirely sure when the switch happened and I realized how awesome family can be but I fully embrace it now.  And how do I show that love?  By insisting my family goes kayaking with me when it is almost December.  Sans wetsuits. And in open water (well at least for part of it).  It’s really their fault.  They chose to raise their children in a little town on the bay where the go to activities are sailing, swimming, surfing, etc.  As a result, my brother and I have an insatiable need to be at or on the sea.  Case in point: I lived in a landlocked country for a year and I used to close my eyes and pretend I was on a boat with the sea splashing on me as opposed to my current reality of being on the back of a motorcycle with sand whipping in my face.  You do what you have to do.

These days though I don’t have to pretend.  I just travel out on the island, embrace my family, and insist that we spend some time together.  Salt water included.



- if you wish to go kayaking or paddle boarding on LI, check out here, here, or here.  even though i subjected my family to it, i would not recommend going out during the off-season (when it is cold) as your first time and/or without proper gear, i.e. wetsuit, gloves, booties. ignore my feet in the above picture and do as i say, not as i do.

- i have a brother.  we did not exclude him.  someone just decided that finishing a paper for grad school was more important. psh.