wanderlust wednesday : north fork, li

The forecast looks prime for an outdoor adventure this weekend.  And with the start of strawberry season, there is no place I would rather be than exploring the North Fork farms and vineyards on the east end of Long Island.  Here's what I think a perfect day on the North Fork would look like:


U-Pick Strawberries

It turns out one of my favorite strawberry places is closed for u-pick this year but Garden of Eve Farm in Riverhead is a pretty sweet place too (pun always intended).  I prefer my farms organic whenever possible but there are other u-pick farms in the area if that’s not your jam (I can’t help myself).


Bike Ride through Mattituck

I mean there is a road called Lovers Lane with bookstores and a little café.  The adorableness is almost too much to handle.  Also, the bicycle is the ideal way to mosey about the east end.  You avoid the traffic and get to take in the sights and sounds of the farms and sea shore.


Sunset Booze and Blues

Ok, so there isn’t actually an event called this but there should be.  My ideal evening includes sitting in a vineyard and listening to some live music while probably eating way too much cheese.  Some of my favorite places to do this are  Pindar, Martha Clara, and Lieb.

 Where are you dreaming of escaping to on this wanderlust Wednesday?



- to get to the north fork from nyc, take the lirr to mattituck.  if you are bringing your bicycle (highly recommended) be sure to get a permit to take it on the train.

- the vineyards listed are for their live music... not necessarily their wine.  i usually enjoy what paumanok has to offer.

- these photos are from grace's and my very own north fork adventure last summer. we need to repeat that this year and add in some wine tasting. just saying. ​